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W7 Launch Very Vegan Range | VERY VEGAN

June 20, 2017


W7 have introduced ‘Very Vegan’; an on-trend, vegan-friendly cosmetics range for those who follow a vegan lifestyle and want to carry that through into their makeup bags.
In 2016, we received a number of e-mails with requests in regards to whether or not certain products in particular were vegan friendly.
Without having the certified products we were unable to provide information in confidence. The result of this led us to come up with the idea of Very Vegan.
We developed a range of our most popular products, manufactured accordingly alongside the rules and regulations of The Vegan Society. This has allowed us to successfully have them Vegan approved.
In order to be certified as Vegan, the products must be produced and manufactured using non animal derived ingredients and must not have been tested on animals.
Please note, regardless of the Vegan collection, none of W7’s products are tested on animals.

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